Educating every stage, inspiring every age

Empowering Area Schools and Rural Education across New Zealand

Welcome to the New Zealand Area Schools Association (NZASA), an organisation that was formed among Area and Composite Schools from around New Zealand to advance the cause of Area Schools in particular, and rural education in general.

Area Schools Conference

Area Schools Conference

Each year we meet at a fabulous location to network, attend workshops, and learn from thought-provoking speakers.
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National Sports Tournament

National Sports Tournament

Area and Composite School Students from across NZ come together to participate and compete in our annual Sports Tournament.
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Leadership Course

Leadership Course

Action packed and inspiring, this course is designed for students to become effective leaders within their communities and beyond.
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Music Camp

Music Camp

Over three days, including an end-of-camp live performance, students will be challenged and supported in their musical journey.
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What the New Zealand Area Schools Association stands for

The New Zealand Area Schools Association promotes the continuous improvement and development in education for students of all ages. Additionally, it fosters skill development and learning opportunities for both Board of Trustees members and education professionals: Principals and Teachers. Serving as a platform for idea exchange, the Association offers member schools support, advice, and facilitates connections with other educational bodies.

Learning knows no boundaries

We have much to celebrate, and work together to provide resourcing, knowledge and working models to advance the cause of Area Schools across New Zealand.

Student Excellence Awards

Students that are enrolled in and attend a New Zealand Area School can be nominated to celebrate their achievements and success.

Life & Recognition Awards

Any Board or Staff member of an Area School may be nominated for recognition or Life Membership of the NZASA at our AGM.

All News & Updates

View the minutes from our most recent executive meetings and read what’s happening around the country in the NZASA newsletters.

Strategic Plan & Constitution

The constitution documents our aims and objectives, membership rules, governance and structure and the strategic plan sets out our actions.

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Making our collective views and opinions heard

The NZASA provides valuable services and resources to students, staff and board members of Area and Composite Schools throughout New Zealand. We do this through:

Inter School Events

Professional Learning

Advocacy & Support


Our Sponsors

We couldn’t do the work we do without the backing of our amazing sponsors. Please support them when and where you can.